Straight Ahead

Thoughts of a conservative, Southern Presbyterian minister who also happens to be totally blind, with comments about theology--and everything else, too, from sports and the South to politics and favorite food. Anyone can comment.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Hebrews 10:11-18, November 13-19, Year B:

As we consider the priesthood of Christ, we must keep in mind that idea that Christ was "begotten, not made," as the creeds say.  This is a very important distinction because if Christ had just been another creature, He could have never provided satisfactory atonement for our sins.
The changes brought about in the priesthood were not just the result of the failings of the Jewish nation.  This new priesthood was ordained by God from the beginning.  Human nature had revolted against God. God delighted to take that nature upon Himself freely and voluntarily--Son in obedience to the Father--and become a curse for us all.  The Father and Son acted together mutually by desire, wisdom, and action.  God was not required to show us mercy.  He did not have to give His Son if He chose another way.  He did this to magnify His grace.  We must always remember that God is sovereign and is not bound to any one method of action.
In the last part of this passage, the priesthood is confirmed and the action of setting apart is described.  The life, ministry, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension of Christ represent the final offering for sin, the fulfillment of the covenant, the imparting of God's grace and law into the hart of man; and it is all confirmed by the witness of the Holy Spirit.  Truly, in terms of the work of redemption, "it is finished."


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