Straight Ahead

Thoughts of a conservative, Southern Presbyterian minister who also happens to be totally blind, with comments about theology--and everything else, too, from sports and the South to politics and favorite food. Anyone can comment.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

World War II, Distractions, and This and That:

My printer went down Tuesday, and we had problems with our furnace yesterday.  We won't be left without heat; so in a way, both of these were rather minor distractions.  (We don't even own the house; so we won't be saddled with the costs of getting our heating system back up to full efficiency, anyway; and although the printer comes in handy, we can certainly do without it until we decide on the next step.)These things pointed out, however, how easily distracted I sometimes am when things aren't working perfectly.  I hate to have things not working right.  I'm not really a slave to a schedule or a routine--but I hate to have it thrown off kilter by inanimate objects!
I went on a pastoral visit Monday which took me to our area's assisted-living facility.  While there, I found myself sitting at a table, drinking coffee with some great Americans--guys who had fought for this country in World War II!  It made me realize how much my generation and younger generations tend to take for granted.  How easy it is to criticize our country now when so little is on the line!  How easy it is to lose the history, the memories, and the attitude that made our country great and so effective during those dark days of World War II!
Today, I got my Talking Bible-Courier in the mail, in the English Standard Version.  It's an amazing, computerized talking Bible that allows me so much independence and facility in doing Bible research! 
Also this week:  Our executive presbyter gave a marvelous challenge to our Session Tuesday night about establishing a mission for a church.  And one of the women in our church is putting together a project on the subject of grief which she is using for a presbytery-sponsored class she's been taking.  It could evolve into a ministry outreach for her and for this church.
The World War II generation has been called "the greatest generation."  I think that's valid; but there's one thing they failed to do.  They did not pass along the same virtues and values that made them great.  I wish the parents and grandparents of today had done a better job passing along their beliefs, their patriotism, their religious conviction, and their work ethic to today's "Baby Boomers," young adults, and teen-agers.  That older generation wanted to make things easier for those who came later; yet in so doing, they may have sown the seeds that will undermine our nation's future greatness.  So much for this and that, a little bit of everything.   We'll be back to our usual style of entry next time, I'm sure.


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