Straight AheadI was talking to my parents on the phone Saturday afternoon. The subject of blogs and blogging came up, and my father asked me a very logical and interesting question. "Why do people spend so much time on blogs?" he wanted to know. And later, more pointedly, he asked, "Why do you do it?"
Now, my parents don't own a computer. I think my mother would thoroughly enjoy having one, and learning to use it, but they don't have one. My father, however, does know about blogs and what they are. I must admit that when he asked me that question, I was totally unprepared with a cogent, witty, compelling answer! So when a question like this comes up, what does a man do? Well, of course, he asks his wife!
Keep in mind that my wife doesn't use the computer, either! She doesn't know anything about a computer except how to read the screen! But she does know her husband. So after getting off the phone with my parents, I asked Lydia. "I've got an interesting question for you," I told her. "Ok," she said. What is it?"
"Why do people do blogs?" I asked, "Or, more to the point, why do *I do blogs?" Interestingly, she had a good answer to the question much quicker than I did.
"Well, some people do it to boost their ego!" "Oh," I said, in stunned disbelief, "surely that wouldn't have anything to do with why I do it."
Well, we talked about it for a while, turning it over in our minds, laughing, serious, pondering. I have always enjoyed writing. And blogging is certainly proving to be one way to get around roadblocks of media, the usual difficulties in publishing books, and the trials of running a newspaper or radio station. It's a good way to share my thoughts with friends and hopefully a lot of folks who may become friends and possibly reach out to many people I'll never know in person. But the question still kind of hangs out there. Why do we do this? I'm not sure I completely know the answer myself; but then, maybe we don't need to know. Maybe we just enjoy it! Ego boost? Nah, couldn't be that.
At 7/30/2006 01:45:00 PM ,
sweetmagnolia said...
As much as I hate to admit it, I believe Lydia is correct! :-)
At 7/30/2006 04:28:00 PM ,
rena said...
Well, I know why I read's to learn and hear other's ideas, like your's, which I always thoroughly enjoy. As to why I blog? I'll admit..ego plays some part of it, but equally, so does my love for the written word and the humble little hope in me that someone, somewhere will actually be blessed by what I have to say. Having for so long believed I had nothing to offer, this is my safe little way to venture out and test the waters on seeing if that is in fact, not true. I suppose the danger will be in remaining humble should I find out that I've had much to offer all along!
Now, as for your comment on the Catholic Church, I was first "churched" in a charismatic Protestant denomination when I was 13...then I went prodigal, which quite frankly, think may have actually turned out to be a good thing..because I recall that denomination was completely "anti Catholic", and "anti everything that was not "word of faith" like them. In fact, they went so far as to suggest that the Catholic church as an entity was the "anti Christ". OUCH!! I'm thankful that this belief did not get a chance to root in me. In any event, when I returned to my Lord and Savior, the first thing I did..once I got my bearings again, that study the essential Christian doctrines and the Word of God, so as never to be fooled by some warped, popular teaching again. I came to believe, as Sweetmagnolia suggests, that a true Christian is one who believes in their heart the essential's as laid out in the Nicene Creed...I believe in Almighty God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, and in Jesus Christ His only begotton Son...etc...etc...and, then because belief and faith without works is dead, will show the fruit of that in their lives through acts of genuine love and grace. I have come to understand and appreciate that there are people salted all throughout the earth, in every denomination, Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, and even outside of traditional "Christian" churchs, who are believers. I have read stories of Moslems who have come to believe on Christ as Savior and Lord, but have remained within their Islamic families and mosques. We will not all agree on the non essentials, but the essentials are how we, as Christ followers, are defined. There are brother and sisters in all walks of life, including the Catholic Church.
As always, your posts give me cause to reflect. Thank you.
At 7/30/2006 05:32:00 PM ,
Vicki said...
Just discovered your blog. Nice to meet you! I started blogging as something ancillary to my other writing--as a discipline that evolved into real ministry. Blogs can be self-serving or they can point others to Christ, offering encouragement along the way.
At 7/31/2006 12:28:00 AM ,
Anonymous said...
I think you should use the internet to extend your ministry. You are a pastor of a small church in a small town. In your blog your reach is as big as the internet. The fact that you are blind means nothing on the web.
On the net your word can reach the world and your blindnes poses no limit on your reach. Bigg
At 8/19/2006 11:00:00 AM ,
C. H. Green said...
Enjoyed your blog. Come visit mine sometime. I have a post entitled "Why I do it" that goes along with this post.
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