Straight AheadOne of the comments made on my previous entry reminded me of something else I wanted to say about rural and small churches. Arthur Pink, in writing about tithing, notes how a congregation of ten families who faithfully tithed their income could support a pastor. Theoretically, at least, this is true. Of course, even if this could pay for the housing, medical insurance, and other costs of a pastor and his family, it would leave nothing for maintaining a church building, evangelism, Christian education, or other missions work of a church. Still, Pink has a point. (And some question the necessity of church buildings, though I think they are rather important.)
If, however, a congregation of even fifty households were committed to faithfulness in giving, there is no doubt they could pay a reasonable salary to a pastor and still have an impact in terms of missions and evangelism. My present congregation, though very small, has been consistently faithful in giving over the years. Many ministers despise preaching stewardship sermons. Personally, it thrills me to encourage people to give to the Lord's work; but this encouragement has to be done from a biblical perspective.
Our denominations still have a great responsibility in this area which I feel they have largely ignored; but ministers and local church leaders have too often abrogated their responsibility to encourage biblical stewardship and tithing to the local church.
At 7/23/2006 09:10:00 PM ,
sweetmagnolia said...
You have made some good points in your blog about church giving. Does your church give out regular financial reports to its members? I think that is a vital part of church stewardship too. I believe that the church should give to its missions and should try to give its pastor as good a salary as they can plus insurance and contributions to his/her retirement fund.
At 7/23/2006 11:56:00 PM ,
The None Zone said...
Our church, which belongs to the ELCA (Lutheran) hands out regular financial reports to the church council only (every month). Otherwise, there is a quarterly that individuals receive that tells them how much they have given compared to how much they pledged. Stewardship needs to be tied to the oveall umbrella--or as they say here, Bumbershoot, of discipleship, plain an simple. We should also pray about our giving as we should every aspect of our lives.
At 7/23/2006 11:59:00 PM ,
The None Zone said...
One of the things that has been proposed at the synod assembly (one of 65 synods in the ELCA)is that we have funding at the synod level for all pastors so the ones in rural are not paid less and thus, are less valued.
At 7/25/2006 11:31:00 AM ,
Anonymous said...
I too am a small church person. I am now a member of a church of about 600. I miss the "family" feel, even though this is not considered a large church. I lament that so many ministers somehow think it is beneath them to serve in a small church. I think the key word is "serve".
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