I attended my Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors meeting today. I'll only be attending one more of those before my pastorate here officially ends. My association with the Jackson Area Chamber of Commerce has been the most interesting thing I've done while in Jackson, Alabama; and the people on the Board of Directors are some of the most impressive folks in town. It is truly exciting to be present as the new opportunities for economic development in our area are being discussed. Marketing strategies are being designed for the towns and cities near Mobile which will be most directly affected by the new steel plant. Other retailing and assorted businesses are being actively recruited and anticipated. Membership at the Chamber is increasing. In addition, new and creative revenue streams for the Chamber are being actively considered.
The next few months and years will be tremendously interesting in the cities, towns, and counties of southwest Alabama. In one sense, this is a bad time to have to leave. I'd love to be around to see the changes and be a part of the development.
Contrast this air of expectancy with the attitude found in most mainline churches. I have heard people express a lack of interest in church activities because it never seems to them that the churches ever really did anything. While I think many people have wrong or unrealistic expectations of churches, we do have to deal honestly with the fact and the perception that churches are institutions full of inertia. We talk a lot, and we argue a lot; but what do we really do? What goes on in the average church that could really get the active person very excited?
The church has a great responsibility and a vital mission; but the vision and the dreams that are cast by most ministers and church leaders frankly do not fire the imagination most of the time. We should pay attention to those churches and those ministries that are successful and exciting. I'm not quite sure how to solve the problem of inertia in the average church; but I do know it is a concern that must be addressed.
At 5/17/2007 02:38:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
One of the things that you have done for this parish is prepared it for the comming of something new. One of the things that I have found is that churches feel that when there are new opportunities they feel that they need to have new leadership in order to face them. You have been their pastor in the "meantime". You have held them together when they would have fallen apart. Your ministry is over there and it is time for you to do new ministry in a new place. God is calling you somewhere to help another congregation conserve what they need to survive. Go forth and do it, brother.
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