Today, I preached on Philippians 4:8-9. "If there be any excellence, ..... think on these things." I have referred to this passage before in relating how God used a sermon I preached on this text during my senminary years in building my friendship with Lydia. I thought it would be appropriate to preach this text today in Jackson. I departed from the lectionary. I had apparently almost preached this text some time during 2006.
I reminded the congregation of our need to stop meditating on the negative. The apostle Paul urges us to consider that which is true, honorable, pure, lovely, just, praiseworthy. In order to do that, of course, we have to decide what represents excellence, and then act on our decisions. We have to make judgments. Our society is not comfortable with those who make judgments today.
Of course, excellence extends into the way we conduct our affairs, the way we utilize our talents, spiritual gifts, abilities, and resources. It affects the choices we make regarding moral integrity, the influence we have over our young, and the way we conduct our affairs and ministry in our churches.
Our society and our churches are much more comfortable with mediocrity; but God demands no less than our best!
At 5/14/2007 01:23:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Daniel,
I used this passage when I preached yesterday (5/13), however my thesis was living according to freedom that is ours in grace balanced with the warning to not causing another (or ourselves) to stumble.
I am especially humbled by Paul's continual admonition to use him as an example of godly living. I ask myself if I am living in such a way that another could follow and be built up in Christ.
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