Privilege does not guarantee success. It only assures us of greater responsibility. This Scripture is a wonderful complement to Luke 13:6-9, the last half of this week's gospel reading. The epistle lesson is warning the Corinthians not to take their spirituality or their inheritance in Christ for granted. Grace does not give license to immorality, as Paul illustrates using many examples in this passage.
Paul also reminds the Corinthians that with every temptation, God will provide a way of escape. Therein lies a tricky challenge. Sometimes, we do not want the way of escape. We'd rather "live on the edge," and see how close we can get to fire without being burned!
Just as those ancient Jews abused their place of special privilege before God, so we too can abuse our Christian liberty. Lent is a good time to reflect on the fact that our freedom in Christ was bought at a steep price. Sometimes, we, like those ancient Israelites, want more than what God is willing to provide. God gives us freedom from some things that we may be free *for other things--for service to Him and ministry to others. By boasting, hypocrisy, going against our conscience without faith, and in various other ways, Scripture reminds us of ways we can abuse our Christian faith and freedom. We will not lose our salvation if we have truly put our trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour; but we can lose many of salvation's blessings. Just as the same earthly family can produce some children that are well-behaved, obedient, and pleasing and other children that are disobedient, disrespectful, and very unpleasant to be around, so it is with the family of God. Not all who profess the faith honor God or are sincere; and even among those who are truly part of His household of faith, some are far more mature and obedient than others.
Frank Sinatra sang a song years ago called, "My Way." You can live life your own way if you wish; but there's no guarantee that God will be pleased with that decision, or that He will bless it. Being one of Abraham's seed did not guarantee safety or preservation in ancient Israel. God looks upon the heart, not the church rolls.
Our gospel reminds us in Luke 13:1-9 to be converted, to repent and be quick about it. 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 reminds us of the fate that awaits those who do not heed this advice!
Straight ahead! See my blog at:
At 3/09/2007 10:06:00 PM ,
rena said...
Haven't been by lately..I've been busy. And am so glad I stopped by tonight. Excellent post. How often I've taken for granted the wonderful grace and mercy of the Lord. This is a good reminder that it is indeed a priviledge to know and serve Him.
Enjoy your weekend. Blessings.
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