The Word of God is quick and powerful; yet, it rarely constitutes the guiding standard by which most modern Christians live their lives. This has been shown by a variety of studies and surveys. We know that this Word is often a cutting and a piercing message; so we avoid it, or explain it away, or find a more comfortable by which to govern our decisions and our conduct.
And what of this God with whom we have to deal? We ignore that part of God that sees through our pretense and hypocrisy. We reject the idea of God as all-powerful, all-knowing. We forget that when we talk to God, we are in conversation with the King, the Creator. We want a casual God--one who blesses our prejudices, answers our prayers the way we want them to be answered, loves us even when we're bad, and basically helps us through life's difficulties and finds us, for the most part, to be rather cute and harmless little creatures.
Of course, if we ignore, reject, or soften the first two verses of this passage, we also essentially destroy the power and beauty of 4:14-16. This part of the passage tells of Jesus, the High Priest, who identifies with all our weakness and pain. We are encouraged to hold fast our profession. We are urged to come boldly to the throne of grace through that Great High Priest, where we will find mercy and grace to help "in time of need." Through Christ, we will find that eternal Sabbath for which we so desperately yearn.
And so you see, dear reader, that if we strip away the difficult things of God, we also lose those things we find most precious.
At 10/12/2006 06:25:00 PM ,
sweetmagnolia said...
We read that the Word of God is sharper than a two edged sword.
What is a two edged sword?
Any illumination of this topic is appreciated.
At 10/12/2006 11:10:00 PM ,
rena said...
I'm thinking that a two edged sword cuts through both sides of every argument and reveals the ONE truth, which is what God has to say about it. I find the more I read His word, the more it cuts through to the very core of my heart, exposing the motives there, and at the same time, giving life that brings about true heart change...something ONLY God can do! He is truly wondrous!
At 10/17/2006 03:24:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
The sword, in the context of this passage it seems, illustrates that the judgment of God that was displayed against the Israelites in a physical resulting from their disobedience to God is even more sharply demonstrated in the spiritual realm as God's word rips us apart and exposes us for who we really are. Praise God for the warning of the power of His Word. And I praise him even more for vss. 14 and following - we have a high priest, Jesus, who took in Himself, physical and spiritually, the two-edged sword our sins deserve. Daniel you are right I believe. If we minimize the extent of God's judgment, we minimize the extend of God's grace. Hebrews 12:25,28 recapitulate this theme profoundly as well.
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