Boy! That's a load off my mind. I was afraid maybe the children couldn't play any more; but apparently, it'll ok if the children go ahead and have unstructured, non-educational, non-creative play--just like we used to have when I was a kid. It must be ok to do that again because the major group of pediatricians in America has said so in a study just released. We can go ahead an let kids be kids!
I really do believe that we have gone through a period where many adults, heavily influenced by educators, politically correct experts, sensitivity gurus, and psychological counselors, have believed that everything children do has to be intentionally calculated to teach a lesson or a skill or have some inter-personal, sociological value. Now, the American Academy of Pediatrics says that children learn a lot of these skills in the course of good, old-fashioned play! Well, well! I think our parents and grandparents and their grandparents probably knew all that a long time ago. We've tried to make kids grow up and be like us! And there's something kind of incongruous about a twelve-year-old trying to act like an expert anchor-man on the "Evening News!" Don't laugh! I've heard them try to do it--and they weren't playing! Maybe we'll actually begin to learn that some things just have to take their natural course without our manipulation and overly sensitive scrutiny! Why, maybe they'll even come out with a report in a few years that will allow guys to take out their natural aggressions in ways that will prevent drive-by shootings--or, are we going to continue to expect essentially unisex children? Well, I won't push my luck too much with *that one!
At 10/09/2006 09:41:00 PM ,
rena said...
Hear hear!! All those tree forts, and make believe horsey rides playing cowboys and Indians (or would that be bovine persons and aboriginals, for the politically correct?).... kept me sane and hope filled during my childhood!!
At 10/10/2006 08:20:00 AM ,
sweetmagnolia said...
As an educator, I firmly believe we have tried to structure children's lives too much. Nowadays, children have a P.E. teacher who organizes the children's play sessions. That is okay up to a point, but it tends to stifle some creativity. We children enjoyed being Superman/Wonder Woman,
Alabama quarterback, Daniel Boone, and
a host of other characters. You don't tend to get that with structured activities.
At 10/10/2006 10:19:00 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Hooray! What took them so long to figure this one out? And maybe if the kids go play and run off some of the energy, they'll be less "restless" (or increasingly in today's pharmaceutical culture,"ADHD") at other times. Less Ritalin, more recess!!!
At 10/17/2006 04:55:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I remember the day my 3-year-old son picked up a stick in the front yard that somewhat resembled a hand gun. Then, something happened that made me realize I had become a little too influenced by the politically correct clan ... my son fired his stick at a car passing by. The car kept moving, the driver kept driving, and all was well, except that I over-reacted a bit and told him to drop his weapon (i.e., the stick from the old Oak tree).
I knew I had recovered some balance to my parenting skills when an inner conscience said, "Dad, get over it. Let the kid play."
He has no interest in guns to this day (age 10), nor do I (age 46) and my son is the most Christ-centered youngster I have ever met. I often think that if I can be more like Him, I'll start resembling Jesus a lot more.
And he loves to play outside and life is good. Ever so often we go to grandmothers house and throw pretend s (pine cones) at each other from our pretend forts (a creative maze of pine straw).
I should invite a few of the politically correct to come along. They would have a great time playing, and they might lighten up a little bit.
As always, good stuff Daniel.
Daddy Tank
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