Straight AheadWhile it can be argued that Christian evangelicals are too closely identified with the Republican party and the politics of the right, it can hardly be denied that mainline Protestant denominations are playing the same dangerous game by identifying almost entirely with the politics of the left-wing fringe. This has been brought home to me numerous times. Several years ago, I attended the annual meeting of the Maine Conference of the United Church of Christ while serving as a minister of that denomination in the state of Maine. The head of the UCC gave a keynote address at that conference in which he attacked our policy in Iraq and almost seemed to equate President George W. Bush with Hitler and the German Nazis of the 1930's.
Well, now we have a fresh example of just how far the religious left will go to look ridiculous. The Presbyterian Publishing Corporation, affiliated with the PC(USA), has published a book by David Ray Griffin which seriously puts forward the theory that our own government, under the direction of President George W. Bush, was behind the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The head of the PPC, Davis Perkins, actually defends the decision, saying that Griffin's theory deserves serious reflection on the part of Christians. I wonder if Griffin and Perkins also believe that Bush and his minions deliberately flooded New Orleans in order to drive poor black people and other less fortunates from their homes, as some have also charged in the African-American community.
Such irresponsibility by a seemingly respectable religious publisher is, of course, inexcusable, and brings discredit to a once-honorable denomination. But that's not the worst of it. At a time when membership losses are monumental and divisiveness is rampant, what does this say about the priorities of denominational leaders, who have yet to denounce the publication of this book by an affiliated arm of the denomination? The very people who have ridiculed the "Religious Right" for cozying up to the Republicans are now going to be equally ridiculed for making friends with terrorists and undermining the security of a nation.
At 8/05/2006 11:35:00 AM ,
Anonymous said...
I would not hold my breath waiting for Clifton Kirkpatrick to denounce the PPC for publishing such trash. The PPC action fits right in with Kirpatrick's own style of Bush Bashing.
Lest we forget, it was only last year that Kirkpatrick along with leaders of the other mainline denominations were posing with Democrat Senator Harry Reid inaugurating their new political alliance.
For the conservatives in the PCUSA we really need to be thinking about what specific actions we can take in reaction to what the PPC has done and not just spend our time complaining about what the PPC has done.
Some things the conservatives could do is to:
1. Send a letter to all the church sesssions in their presbytery advising what PPC has done.
2. Have the Presbytery publicly denounce PPC.
3. Tell Kirkpatrick and others that their church has stopped sending money to the denomination until the Kirkpatrick denounces PPC and publicly issues a statement calling for a house cleaning at PPC.
At 8/06/2006 11:38:00 PM ,
Curious Servant said...
While I feel the Republican Party has many flaws, and the equating of their party platform with the core beliefs of my faith is grossly incorrect, I would agree that swinging to the left is also absurd (perhaps worse).
I've heard these ideas before about 9-11 and it is simply silly. Conspiracy theorists just thrive on this sort of thinking and they needn't concern themselves too much about facts.
I generally vote Republican because it most closely aligns to my own beliefs...
While I approve of the generally Democrat view regarding care for the weakest members of our society and the environment, most of their views are none too palatable.
Thanks for the post.
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