One of the things about being a Christian that impresses itself upon me again and again is the importance of having a devotional life and genuine spiritual discipline. We can get so easily distracted by our interests and hobbies, by vacations and holidays, and even by the stresses and ups and downs of everyday life. I have to learn this lesson again and again. Even though I have a consistent devotional pattern, there are times that I have to be very determined to stay on track--and other times that my practice of the spiritual disciplines can become to routine or superficial.
I don't think I'm alone in this, even among pastors. I certainly can tell a definite difference, however, when the practice of spiritual discipline and the fellowship with God is on a deeper level. It makes a big difference, not only in my ministry, but my attitude and my ability to cope with whatever happens each day.
It's good that we learn this afresh from time to time. It is important always to acknowledge our dependence upon God and our absolute need for conscious and constant fellowship with our heavenly Father.
At 9/06/2006 04:40:00 AM ,
Anonymous said...
You and Liddia have to go see "World Trade Center" first this is a great movie. Can you believe it the characters prey in this movie and JESUS has a camio appearance. Bigg
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