Paul is reminding Timothy here to remember Christ; for this Christ is worth any amount of suffering, even including imprisonment and death. This Christ is the Davidic descendant, the Messiah, the Promised One, risen from the dead. Paul may be in prison, but the word of God is not bound. The gospel is not restricted by earthly authorities or by time or place. And then, Paul quotes a saying which is trustworthy, probably one of the first formulations of a creedal statement in the early church.
In order to be a true disciple, the Christian must learn that living is dying, that endurance is reigning, and that to deny Christ is to be denied by the Father. Yet, even if we are faithless, He remains faithful. Therein lies the grace and forgiveness and ultimate power of God--Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. That is the wonder of the gospel message.
God has made a promise. He cannot deny Himself. He has set the plan of salvation in motion. This is what will redeem the elect and ultimately restore the creation.
The passage closes with a reminder from Paul to Timothy of certain pastoral responsibilities. He is to remind his flock of these truths and steer clear of quarrels about words. He is to do his best to present himself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed. The requirement to study is part of this pastoral duty. Study is necessary because our minds are limited and prone to laziness.
A minister, and even one who desires to be a Christian disciple, must be faithful; but faithfulness involves more than just giving assent to certain doctrines. It involves diligence, preparation, and hard work. It involves prayer, and seeking the mind of the Son and the power and illumination of the Holy Spirit. Faithfulness requires a knowledge of the Bible and the wisdom and the willingness to use that knowledge in the service and under the direction of God Himself.
At 10/11/2007 03:47:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Would that congregations today valued the requirement of their pastors to study. Today the requirements appear to be community involvement, social direction, being the church's ambadssador in the community - while members of the congregation particpate in whatever debauchery floats their boat. Herein lies the rub! If we study, we will tell them how to live ... and they don't think they need that. They are "wise in their own eyes."
Or, as liberal pastoral theology teaches, you have to "earn" the right to be heard. So there is no need to study for at least ten years or so!
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