A decade or so ago, one popular "buzz phrase" was, "Keep hope alive!" Apparently, we now have a new phrase--or, if not a new phrase, a new method of doing business in the news media. The idea is to "keep fear alibe." The technique seems to be working, even if it is selectively applied.
Not long ago, a bridge over an interstate highway in Minnesota partially gave way. Tragically, there was loss of life. This morning on a Houston radio station, the question was asked, by way of headline, "How many bridges in Texas would you feel good about crossing?"
There have been some incidents lately within the space program concerning a couple of astronauts. So a polling question was asked recently on a news program, "Do you still trust NASA?" And when the economic news is good, there are still plenty of pundits whose mission in life seems to be to paint the worst possible picture of the economic prospects and find some way to put a negative spin on even the most positive news. I could point out many more examples. The pattern seems to be pretty clear. There are those in media, politics, and other segments of American life who have an agenda. Their desire is to create fear, cynicism, and negative images of life in America and our American institutions.
When they have a chance to tear down the military, the space program, or any of the institutions most of us hold dear, they are all too willing to do it. And if there's a way to make us feel skeptical about the intentions of our local and state officials or question the competence of those in places of responsibility, these fear-mongers will stop at nothing to make us feel uneasy. Some call it "investigative journalism." But is it really journalism at all?
One person who steps across the line should not bring intoquestion an entire institution. One person's activities who some may call into question certainly should not bring disgrace upon an entire organization. Genuine and legitimate accountability is certainly necessary in a free society; but what will happen to that society when the critics are not accountable or have no sense of responsibility or integrity?
At 8/18/2007 10:58:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I agree another area that the media is keeping fear alive is with Hurricains. We have Dean in the Carribean Sea. In the 60's such news would have been reported on the normal weather reports during the daily news now Dean has his own graphics and reports throughout the day.
Dean is at least a dangerous storm,but they will follow every tropical storm or level 1 hurricanes. This all started with the 24 hour news stations ,but realy has become draining since 2004 when 4 Hurricanes hit Florida. Only one of those 4 storms was a really dangerous storm ,Charlie, The other three were hyped by the press and scared thousands of people. Bigg Tampa, FL
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