Straight AheadToday I turn 57. How neat that the Super Bowl will be played later today. I'll definitely enjoy that as a birthday treat. I'm hoping that the Indianapolis Colts, with Peyton Manning, will beat the Chicago Bears.
As I reflect on my birthday, there are many things to think about. I enjoy reflecting and looking back on special days like New Year's, birthdays, and occasionally on other memorable dates.
Of course, in many ways, this has been a difficult year. Mother's death was very hard--so sudden, so unexpected. There have been other disappointments and situations that didn't turn out as expected.
Of course, there was also the wonderful experience of preaching special services at the First ARP in Gastonia, North Carolina--probably the highlight of the year in many ways.
As hard as this year has been, I know that the experiences, sorrows, rejections, and disappointments will make me a better pastor in the next area of ministry to which God calls me. My father used to say, regarding disappointments and setbacks, that we just need to look at such things as learning experiences. Once when I was about 40, I told him that I was tired of having to look at so many things as "learning experiences." I thought I ought to start getting some pay-off for all these learning experiences.
I still feel that way sometimes; but now I realize that learning experiences never really end. So although I'm praying and believing that this year will show me more clearly the path God has laid for me in my final years of ministry, I also know that the learning experiences will continue; and that because of them, I'll be a better pastor, a better Christian, a better man. Cultivating a quality of life does not come without a cost.
At 2/04/2007 03:58:00 PM ,
Suzanne R said...
Happy birthday, Daniel! I like your thoughts on learning experiences and I hope that I can adopt the same attitude towards things that concern me in my life.
At 2/04/2007 04:21:00 PM ,
Daniel Berry said...
There have actually been some memorable experiences on my birthday. I remember when I turned twelve, I did something that displeased my parents. It almost ruined the birthday; but I still had some fun, anyway. And I'll never forget the surprise birthday party my parents give me when I turned seventeen; or the surprise birthday party given for me at the Sunday night Bible study in Hampton when I turned 40. But he most significant happening on my birth date turned out to be the initial contact from Ed Howerton, who was the chairman of the pastor nominating committee at Northampton Presbyterian Church. The first contact took place on February 4, 1988!
At 2/04/2007 06:19:00 PM ,
Bobby Cohoon said...
Happy Birthday brother!
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