On December 16, while in Nashville, Lydia and I were involved in a car wreck that wiped out our car. We have a newer one now, a nicer one, as it turns out. Nobody was hurt, and it wasn't Lydia's fault. But now, we have payments to make over a three-year period.
We have worked to get to a position where we had no debts, no payments. Finally, this year, we were in the best financial situation we'd enjoyed in some time--and now this! Life isn't fair, as we define fairness! We didn't willfully start out to get a newer, nicer, bigger car. We tried to find one we could pay for entirely; but it was not to be.
God knows the financial question marks surrounding the future of this church. He knows that full-time ministry here probably cannot long be sustained. He knows where He wants me in future months. I can only trust His sovereign wisdom, His good purposes, His plan. Life isn't fair, as we define fairness; but we're not the ones to define or determine what is ultimately fair, or what is best! We must be satisfied to be in the hands of an Almighty God! Give me faith and patience.
At 12/31/2006 04:23:00 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Two very interesting postings there Daniel.
In speaking about life not being fair (and I didn't hear you complaining, but more reflecting), I found it interesting that when this accident happened, you were in a financial position to handle the purchase of newer car. How wonderful. That neither of you weree seriously hurt, how wonderful.
My own perspective, from this side, is that while an accident is rarely a good thing, yours didn't turn out so bad.
So blessings continue with you and that too is wonderful.
Thanks for sharing
Jeffrey Dick
At 1/05/2007 04:04:00 PM ,
sweetmagnolia said...
Yes, there is no fairness in the ballgame of life. However, if car payments are your only indebtness, then you are ahead of the ballgame.
At 1/05/2007 08:12:00 PM ,
sweetmagnolia said...
Oops, I made a typo with my last post.
"Indebtness" should read indebtedness. Mea Culpa!
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